Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ready to Learn!

"Mom...let's learn!"

"When are we going to learn?"

"Mom, let's go learn in the Learning Room."

These have all been comments from JayBird (age 4) in the last couple of weeks since we have finished the formation of our "Learning Room". He is obviously excited about it...and so am I! JayBird will eagerly share with others that "First it was an office. Then it was an office and a bedroom. And now it is the Learning Room! We are going to LEARN stuff in the Learning Room!"

I'm so glad that JayBird is excited to learn. What he doesn't realize though, is that he is learning all the time, whether in the Learning Room or not. It's like sneaking in veggies. I still serve vegetables with our meal at the dinner table as normal but I also sneak veggies into other unsuspecting places. You know, like adding pureed red pepper to spaghetti sauce or zucchini into scrambled eggs or muffins. Or even spinach into brownies! You do know what I'm talking about, right? (Well if not, then you should try it sometime! Your kids will never know!) So just like I sneak veggies into my kids' food, I also sneak learning opportunities into so much of what we do. Although, it isn't really sneaking because JayBird loves to learn! So I don't have to be sneaky about it. Now we also just happen to have a beautiful space for some of our learning to occur, though we are undoubtedly using the rest of our home, our yard, and the whole world around us to learn every day...with everything we do....everywhere we go. We turn many opportunities into a learning opportunity. But for those more planned, focused times of learning (like when serving vegetables at the dinner table in all their full glory) we now have our Learning Room. It is done just in time to start our Little Hearts to Heaven (from Heart of Dakota) preschool curriculum. I'll share more about our Learning Room with pictures in another post soon.

Join us as we all learn together, in our Learning Room and out! Much of our focus will be on what we are learning through our Heart of Dakota preschool program as we learn phonics, math, science, art, drama, and music through Bible stories. This is mainly JayBird's preschool program, but JellyBean will be along for the ride and join right in with us as she can. Afterall, she does seem to think she is as big as her big brother (whether that is a good thing or a bad thing depends on the circumstances!) We will certainly share many other things we do in addition to our actual curriculum since learning continues to happen all around us. Please let us know that you are here, learning along side us! Send us a comment here and there. Share your ideas with us! Let us all learn together and inspire one another!

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